Monday 19 September 2011

Yellow peril

Ok, welcome, this is the very first entry in my new blog. What am I going to write about? Well, my inspiration to start this comes from the everyday rage that comes over me when I have to engage with all those stupid, thick, selfish morons out there.

So, to start as I mean to go on......  Yellow lines. Double ones. There for a reason outside a school gate. Do I really need to say any more? Obviously yes I do. Today we have new mummies at school with their little darlings who are obviously more precious than anyone else’s. So new mummy feels it’s her right to park DIRECTLY outside of the school gates.  

Never mind that 200 other parents manage to get their own little darlings to school without contravening parking regulations. And stuff the fact that she parks right over the pavement so everyone else has to push buggies and walk numerous kids into the middle of a busy road to get past her car. She needs to wise up fast – before she’s kneecapped on the way out of the Harvest Festival.

We've just been told that a private clamping  company is going to take over double yellow line duty from our local traffic wardens - watch this space!


  1. oh school parking it is always a sore subject you will be pleased to hear I am the mad dash walking mum who scurries along often last in line at the school gates so no car in sight to cause concerns!

  2. Welcome to the Blogosphere!

    From a fellow grumpy person. Well sometimes anyway!
